
Hamsa Geetha, An Amazing & Wonderful Spiritual Thesis !!

   In the state of ignorance I do not no my real nature, where as in the state of knowledge I know. When ignorance is destroyed the super imposition on Atma is destroyed and my real nature is revealed to me. My real nature is at all times sachidananda free from samsara, in the state of ignorance I have not created a samsari Atma called Jiva. Nor do I create another Atma free from samsara. There is never samsara for Atma, but not knowing this I take myself to be the bound samsari. Through knowledge, ignorance is destroyed and the truth, that I am everfree from samsara, is revealed to me.

   To take an example, when clouds gather in the sky, the self--luminus sun is said to be covered by the clouds. When the wind blows and the clouds move away, we say " the sun is again shining ". But from the standpoint of the Sun there is neither covering nor uncovering. It is always luminus. In fact what is covered or uncovered is our sight. Similarly I take myself to be bound (baddha) due to ignorance, and liberated (mukta) in the wake of knowlege, but both are the states of mind and not that of Atma. Om.

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